Beyond Measure

Ideas and news about electrical submetering.


NY Green Bank Announces Energy Efficiency Funds Available

Financing offers include energy efficiency improvement loans, development loans, construction loans, and permanent loans. 

New RFP For Energy Efficiency and Electrification Projects

NY Green Bank, a division of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), recently announced a new financing program. The new program prioritizes energy efficiency projects aimed at affordable multifamily housing in New York State.

Through the program's RFP, New York Bank is "seeking proposals from property owners and developers, energy service companies and equipment manufacturers, capital providers, and other market participants for construction or retrofit financing of multifamily affordable housing buildings in New York State to high levels of energy performance."

Financing offers include energy efficiency improvement loans, development loans, construction loans, and permanent loans. You can read NYSERDA's complete release about the program here.

We Can Help

If you have projects in mind and plan on submitting them for funding, we'd be happy to help with any submetering requirements. Contact Us.

We've been doing regulated retrofit residential electrical submetering for almost two decades. Our industry-leading PowerHawk 6000 meter is tailor-made for retrofit applications and is NYPSC listed.

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